Eagleland Industrie GmbH - Details zu Artikelnummer G1-1G.3 von ELABO


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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Hersteller: ELABO
Artikelnummer: G1-1G.3
Artikelname: Hochspanungsprüfgerät AC
equipped with touch LC display
Drawer module 19" / 4 HE
W = 483 mm; H = 177 mm; D = 360 mm
The device is equipped with an electronic high voltage source.
The floating output of test voltage is provided to two high voltage plugs on
front and rear panel, each.
• Ethernet (alternative RS232C or USB)
• Inputs:
Start, Stop Remote
• Outputs:
OK, I>I max, System failure, HV On
Technical data:
• Test voltage: 0,1..2,5/0,2..5 kV AC
• Voltage programmable
• Floating output
• Tripping current 0 ... 10/100mA AC
Measuring accuracy:
• Voltage measurement: 1% of rdg. ± 3 digit
• Resolution voltage measurement: 10 V
• Current measurement (apparent /active c.):
100,0 mA - range: 1 % of rdg. ± 3 digit
10,00 mA - range: 1 % of rdg. ± 3 digit
• Resolution current measurement:
100,0 mA - range: 100 uA
10,00 mA - range: 10 uA
Display / Operating unit:
4,3" LC touch display; single colour
Interface: Ethernet (Alternative RS232C or USB)
Test run: fully automatic / manually AC power supply: 230V ± 10% / 50 Hz
Catalogue: Instruments 23
Country of origin: DE

weight: 17KG/PC
HS: 90303900
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