Eagleland Industrie GmbH - Details zu Artikelnummer K32-9H-S-V von THOMPSON


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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
Hersteller: THOMPSON
Artikelnummer: K32-9H-S-V
Artikelname: Dom Druckminderer
Connections/Installation dimensions
Input / Output: G 2 "internal thread
control terminal in the dom: G 1/4" IG
length: 227mm

Working range
Maximum inlet pressure: 70 bar
outlet pressure range: 0.5 ... 70 bar
Temperature range: -20 ° ... +150 ° C

A pressure released valve cone
valve seat nominally 25.4 mm

Body and Dom from cast stainless steel 1.4408
valve cone and seat made of stainless steel 1-4401 with FKM
membrane and O-rings made of FKM
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