Eagleland Industrie GmbH -  Details for article number Testo_350 by TESTO

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Article no.Name
316-4leck detector
Testo_350Gas Analyzer complete
Article details
Brand: TESTO
Article no.: Testo_350
Article name: Gas Analyzer complete
1: control unit 350: 06323511
2: analyzer box with O2 sensor: 0632 3510
3: CO sensor
4: CO2 sensor
5: Gas cooler / gas preparation
6: Fresh air valve
7: Measurement range extension for individual slot
8: Automatic pressure zeroing
9: gas pump
10: Transport case 0516 3510
11: easy Emission 0554 3334

12: Flue gas probe 335mm 500C 0600 9766

13:Infrared high-speed printer 0554 0549
14: Filter set 0554 3381
15: Particle filter for flue gas probe 0554 3385

16: power supply: 0554 1096
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